by Fani Kostourou | 25/09/2024
This is a video to inform you about citizen science, your role as an Observer in GREENGAGE Observatories and your potential contributions to data collection and policy making.
by Fani Kostourou | 25/09/2024
Questo video illustra l’utilizzo dei sensori portatili ATMOTUBE PRO all’interno del progetto GREENGAGE* per monitorare la qualità dell’aria. Viene spiegato come i dati raccolti dai cittadini partecipanti agli Osservatori Cittadini possano essere...
by Fani Kostourou | 25/09/2024
Il presente video è fornito dal progetto GREENGAGE per favorire le attività degli Osservatori Cittadini che utilizzano il dispositivo per il monitoraggio della qualità dell’aria attraverso approccio Citizen Science. In Italia le aree pilota del progetto sono la...
by Fani Kostourou | 25/09/2024
The document Guideline Onboarding – GREENGAGE provides a framework for the recruitment and onboarding of participants into GREENGAGE observatories. It emphasizes the importance of onboarding as a process rather than a one-time activity, highlighting the ethical and...
by Fani Kostourou | 25/09/2024
This document focuses on engaging citizens in the development and implementation of observatories that align with the European Green Deal. It emphasizes the importance of inclusivity and stakeholder mapping, particularly focusing on the participation of marginalized...
by Fani Kostourou | 11/08/2024
These are two interactive choropleth maps showing patterns of visiting population in the Lazio region. Highlighted in green is the Turano Valley. Made by MindEarth in